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This project explores the relationship between the artist, their birth mother and the records of children’s services during Starskey Butler’s early years, from ages 0 to 3, when they were under her care. It serves as a tool to facilitate their first conversations about each other’s life stories and relationship. Additionally, it delves into the various perspectives involved in the process of safeguarding both children and adults.

Book to be published by Rarahdem in October 2024


Zwischen features photographs taken through train windows, capturing moments in Starskey Butler’s travels during their social work assessments. These images reflect Starskey Butler’s preparations, doubts, optimism, conflicts, thoughts, analysis and emotions as they carry out their duties. These photographs are spontaneous, as the destinations of their train journeys are dictated entirely by the cases assigned to them. They travel only to fulfil a statutory legal duty, which involves contributing one piece to the jigsaw puzzle of protecting children, ensuring the best possible care and striving to keepfamilies together whenever possible.

Book to be published by Rarahdem in 2025