The Printing Room - ‘From Where I Speak, Issue 1’, 06/2024
British Journal of Photography - ‘When social work and art-making go hand in hand’ by Rachel Segal Hamilton, 01/2024
Professional Social Work Magazine (BASW) ‘Social work in the Frame - New exhibition sheds light on the sector’, 02/2024
Professional Social Work Magazine (BASW) ‘Art Meets Social Work’ Exhibition Review’ by Charlotte Jenkins’, 02/2024
Miaaw ‘Resourcing Listening’ 03/2024
Social Work News - ‘Social Worker Shares Unique Artwork made ‘on the job’ in first solo exhibition’, 12/2023
Blk Art Map - ‘December Exhibition Highlight’, 12,2023
Multistory - ‘Marley Starkey Butler shares from his BCN bursary and residency at The Wolverhampton School of Art’, 02/2023
Creative Lives In Progress - ‘Marley Starskey Butler’s multidisciplinary arts practice and social work are inseparable’, 09/2022
Barber Institute of Fine Arts - ‘Reclaiming Narratives: The Portrait’, 04/2022
Round Lemon - ‘The audio-visual poetics of Marley Starskey Butler’, 02/2022
The Procrastination Paper - Issue 38 (Colours) Black For Ages and Colours Playlist, 2022
British Journal of Photography - ‘Portrait of Britain Winners’ 12,2021
New Town Culture - ‘Discussion event: Hopeful Disruption in Social Care and Art’, 11,2021
Whats My Thesis? ‘Podcast - Episode 125 - Art Practice and the Unknown’, 07/2021
New Town Culture - ‘Podcast - Identity and Culture in Social Work (What is Culture?)’, 2021
The Procrastination Paper - Issue 39 (Music and Sound), Thank You Music, 2021
East Meets West Masterclass (Grain) - ‘In Conversation With…’, 07,2020
Historic England - ‘Black History Month in the Midlands’, 10/2020
The Procrastination Paper - ‘Issue 16 (All Ages) Time’ 2020
Impressions Gallery - ‘Photobook Fair - Self-published Showcase: East Meets West’ 2020
Story Etc Podcast, ‘Episode 1:Inclusion’ , 03/2017
Left Lion Magazine, ‘Dance Theatre Piece Layer Three Grapples with Humanity at Nottingham Contemporary’, 09/2017
Wire _ Adventures in Modern Music Magazine - ‘Exclusive Entr'acte tracks’,
From Dusk Till Dawn Magazine - ‘Opposites Together Alone Feature’