
11 November 2023 – 28 January 2024

Midlands Arts Centre (MAC)

Thirty-Six is the first solo exhibition of Birmingham-based multidisciplinary artist Marley Starskey Butler (b.1987). It is influenced by their personal lived experience of social work and becoming a social worker later in life.

In Thirty-Six, Starskey Butler brings together artworks made between 2009 and now, across photography, video, audio and text. The works range from explorations of the artist’s own children’s services records, relationships with their multiple primary care givers and their wider contexts, to considering what it means to assess somebody else’s capacity to safeguard and care for a child.

Thirty-Six’s main themes revolve around family, empathy, trauma, identity and understanding. They all come together under a playful yet thought-provoking idea that by the time you are 36 and you've been an adult for longer than you were a child, the effects of any difficult childhood experiences should be resolved and no longer affect you.

Each exhibited work relates to one another through different stages of Starskey Butler’s adulthood, ‘ending’ before they turn 36 years of age.

Marley Starskey Butler was born in Leeds, raised in Wolverhampton and currently lives in Birmingham. They have concurrently pursued a career as a social worker, focusing on various areas, including child protection, fostering and adoption. In their role, they play a vital part in promoting well-being, social justice and human rights. The intersection of art, social work and Starskey Butler’s familial lived experience of social work equips them with the foundations and tools needed to create their artwork. This art delves into their inner world while addressing the challenging and sensitive subject of social work.

With thanks to Arts Council England and players of People’s Postcode Lottery for their support of this exhibition. Curated by Roma Piotrowska

Selected Press

British Journal of Photography - ‘When social work and art-making go hand in hand’ by Rachel Segal Hamilton

Professional Social Work Magazine (BASW) ‘Social work in the Frame - New exhibition sheds light on the sector’

Professional Social Work Magazine (BASW) ‘Art Meets Social Work’ Exhibition Review’ by Charlotte Jenkins

Social Work News - Social Worker Shares Unique Artwork made ‘on the job’ in first solo exhibition’,

Blk Art Map - ‘December Exhibition Highlight’,

A Documentation

Produced and Edited by Marley Starskey Butler,
35mm Film Photography by Sarah Aalii
Videographers: Marley Starskey Butler, Elijah Phillips (Midlands Art Centre), and Keanu Keen
Filmed on November 8th and 9th 2023 for the installation, January 18th 2024 for the artist talk and drink reception/viewing, and January 28th and 29th 2024 for the final moments and deinstallation. Music composed by Marley Starskey Butler, taken from the 2012 album A Saffron History.

Gavins View

Produced and Edited by Marley Starskey Butler, Directed and photographed by Keanu Keen. Featuring Gavin Rogers and Polly Jarman.

The exhibition culminated in a sold out Artist Talk with Marley Starskey Butler in MAC’s Hexagon Theatre on Thu 18 January, featuring a discussion with curator Roma Piotrowska on the artist’s creative process and the works in the exhibition.

The evening was documented by Sarah Ali on her 35mm point-and-shoot camera, shooting three rolls of film. Below is Sarah's selection of those photos.