Layer Three
July 29th 2017
"Layer Three is a contemporary dance exploration of how we become more truly human. As time passes, our experiences create new layers. This process is intimately associated with our growth and development but, sometimes, the new layers squeeze the layers beneath, suffocating them and preventing a truly liberating integration of our whole being. How would life be, if we could clearly orient ourselves among all of the layers and give each of them the room to breathe? If we could awaken all of the layers within us and include them in the ever changing, new, now, version of ourselves? It is this question that we seek to explore and answer through movement and music."
Devised by Kim Bormann and Marley Starskey Butler Choreographed by Kim Bormann, Kieran Shannon, and Sarah Butler Community Dancers, Alex Bailey, Danielle Thorpe, Eleonore Batteux and Freja Coles Music composed by Marley Starskey Butler Thank You to Seraina Dejaco, Brian Hackett, Antje Schimanke, New College Nottingham, Nottingham Contemporary, and Signature Studios.

Opposites Together Alone
29th May 2010
An event to share two pieces of music by Marley Starskey Butler, with the help from Pena Arts and Chaos Dance Company, to bring them alive visually by integrating live art and dance. Performed at the Déda Theatre, Derby
Music: Together Alone | Opposites Peña Arts: Sarah Catherine Lucy Paine and Alison Fernandes Chaos Dance Company: Chris Caffrey, Holly Jones, Inkyung Choung, Katherine Leah Wilkins, James Bartley, Jenny Edwards, Monica Jaklin, Sarah Patchett and Weronica Kawalek. Produced by Marley Starskey Butler